Assam region of India

[Sadhu Sundar Singh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadhu_Sundar_Singh)
+ [(further research)](https://www.umcdiscipleship.org/articles/history-of-hymns-i-have-decided-to-follow-jesus)
+ story passed through **oral** tradition, details lost
+ put to music by **Singh**, travelling evangelist in India
+ gospel of Christ, **culture** of India
+ Yellow robe of the **sadhu** (ascetic holy man)
+ man of **Garo** tribe, Assam region, NE India (E of Bangladesh)
+ formerly **head-hunters**
+ Welsh or English **missionaries**, at great personal cost
+ first family in village to come to Christ
+ two sons + wife slain before him, then he was killed
# Will I still **proclaim** God's kingdom, though none may **follow**?
+ I have **decided** to follow Jesus
+ 3 hearts in envelope:
+ **red**: commit to follow Christ at this retreat
+ **white**: re-dedicate
+ **green**: hear calling to full-time ministry
+ pastors/elders **follow-up** to encourage you